
This website is sponsored by Not Ambrym Translesen Komiti.

Ge he lom mwe jeene ge fō yekya sese te hu lon saed ne websaet ge li, fō nge sene rral me

Not Ambrym Translesen Komiti mwe halen "Kopiraet" nyer.

Klib nge "Bigfala Dei Blong Pasova" a "Bigfala Dei Blong Forgivnes", Wyliffe Australia mwe sene kopiraet me ne SIL Vanuatu ge efe fifine byane vanten nyer. Surterean ge err sense mwi yi a: "The video program must be kept together as a complete program with credits and ownership shown and distributed free from profit or mis-use where it is edited to misrepresent Scripture or Wycliffe." Mwenam wuhuan o komen mu rru, fō sense byane: Media Resources Wycliffe Bible Translators Australia, P. +61 3 9712 2777 E.


Lumo Gospel Videos: Courtesy of LUMO Project Films
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